Serving as an Usher

Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. ~Romans 12:13

Ushering is an opportunity to serve God by serving His people, and is a marvelous way to actively and faithfully participate in the functioning of Grace Lutheran Church. The role of the usher is often underestimated for its importance. Good ushers are “people-persons” who make people coming into the church feel welcome and appreciated. In doing so, ushers contribute greatly to making everyone’s church experience a positive one.


Goals of an Usher

  • Two members are need to serve as ushers per worship service
  • Provide a warm smile and greeting to all
  • Introduce self and be available for questions
  • Hand out the worship bulletins
  • Ensure guests and members needs are respectfully handled
  • Be attentive to the service: watch for crying babies, for late-comers, keep an eye on the Pastor in case he needs anything

Responsibilities of an Usher

  • Arrive 20-25 minutes prior to the start of worship
  • Greet each person with a warm hello
  • Offer a bulletin to every guest
  • Light the candle lighter for the acolyte
  • For children, offer: a children’s bulletin, crayons, scrap paper
  • If needed, show guests the pew for wheelchair accessibility
  • If needed, offer large print worship bulletin
  • As needed, assist and direct with seating
  • During worship, after the sermon upon cue of the Pastor, collect the offering and prayer cards and present it to the Altar
  • After presenting the offering and upon returning to the back of the church, collect the yellow attendance cards
  • During communion, direct the orderly flow of communicants to the Altar
  • After the worship service, go through each pew and straighten up the hymnals, cards, etc. Make sure pencils are sharpened.
  • If the phone rings during the service, answer it and take a message
  • Shut the doors to the sanctuary if the noise level in the narthex increases


  • Know of medical folks in the congregation
  • Know location of:defibrillator, first-aid kit, flashlights, jumper cables, lost & found, tissues, fire extinguishers, exits

Prayers for Ushers

Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings with your most gracious favor and further us with your continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in you, we may glorify your holy name and finally, by your mercy, obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Lutheran Book of Worship, p. 49, copyright 1978

Almighty God, you have blessed each of us with unique gifts, and you have called us into specific occupations, relationships, and activities using those gifts. Enable us to use our talents to witness to our faith in you and to communicate your love to the people we meet each day. Empower us to be ministers of your reconciliation, love, hope, and justice. Keep us steadfast in our commitment to serve actively in your name; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Occasional Services, p. 148, copyright 1982